# A i have done, this is my code
A.Write a function that you will call MinDist() that takes as input a list of integers and returns
the minimum (absolute) difference between any two numbers in that list.
For example, MinDist([5,9,1,3]) should return 2
While, MinDist([3,4,1,1]) should return 0
def MinDist():
#Input of numbers in integer format,allowing for multiple input for a list and splitting them
int_list=list(map(int, input("Enter a list of integers separated by space: ").split()))
#sorting list in ascending order
#setting the number of checks of differences
numchecks=len(int_list) -1
# setting a base difference value
# one check has been done so fixing accordingly
while i<numchecks:
#absolute difference beween next numbers
#updates smallest difference if old difference is greater than new difference
if min_diff>diff:
print( min_diff)
#This bit idk, have so many ways to do and its bugging me
B. Using the MinDist() function you have created, create another function MaxMinDist() that
takes a list of lists of integers as an input, and it returns the maximum value among all the
minimum distance values calculated on the inner-lists (output of MinDist() for each innerlist).
For example, MaxMinDist([[5,9,1,3],[3,4,1,1]]) should return 2