basic lists
2 months ago
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; // Singly Linked list node. struct NodeSL { int value; NodeSL *next; }; // Doubly linked list node. struct Node { int value; Node *prev, *next; }; struct SingleLinkedList { NodeSL *head, *tail; }; struct DoubleLinkedList { Node *head, *tail; }; void printSL(NodeSL *head) { if (head != nullptr) { cout << head->value << " "; printSL(head->next); } else { cout << endl; } } void printSL(SingleLinkedList l) { printSL(l.head); } void printSLBackwards(NodeSL *head) { if (head != nullptr) { printSLBackwards(head->next); cout << head->value << " "; } } void printSLBackwards(SingleLinkedList l) { printSLBackwards(l.head); cout << endl; } void printL(DoubleLinkedList l) { Node *node = l.head; while (node != nullptr) { cout << node->value << " "; node = node->next; } cout << endl; } void printLBackwards(DoubleLinkedList l) { Node *node = l.tail; while (node != nullptr) { cout << node->value << " "; node = node->prev; } cout << endl; } void printEverySecond(SingleLinkedList l) { // Implement } void printEverySecondBackwards(SingleLinkedList l) { // Implement } void removeLastNode(SingleLinkedList& l) { // Implement } void removeLastNode(DoubleLinkedList& l) { // Implement } int sizeOfList(DoubleLinkedList l) { // Implement return 0; } Node* insertAfter(DoubleLinkedList& l, Node *n, int value) { // Implement return nullptr; } Node* insertAtBegining(DoubleLinkedList& l, int value) { // Implement using insertAfter return nullptr; } Node* insertAtEnd(DoubleLinkedList& l, int value) { // Implement using insertAfter return nullptr; } void removeNode(DoubleLinkedList& l, Node *n) { // Implement } int main() { SingleLinkedList single_linked_list; { NodeSL *a, *b, *c; a = new NodeSL(); b = new NodeSL(); c = new NodeSL(); a->next = b; b->next = c; c->next = nullptr; a->value = 4; b->value = 2; c->value = 0; single_linked_list.head = a; } printSL(single_linked_list); printSLBackwards(single_linked_list); DoubleLinkedList double_linked_list; { Node *a, *b, *c, *d; a = new Node(); b = new Node(); c = new Node(); d = new Node(); a->next = b; a->prev = nullptr; b->next = c; b->prev = a; c->next = d; c->prev = b; d->next = nullptr; d->prev = c; a->value = 2; b->value = 1; c->value = 3; d->value = 7; double_linked_list.head = a; double_linked_list.tail = d; } printL(double_linked_list); printLBackwards(double_linked_list); cout << "print every second: \n"; // Should print 4 0 printEverySecond(single_linked_list); cout << "print every second backwards: \n"; // Should print 0 4 printEverySecondBackwards(single_linked_list); cout << "size of dll: "; // Should print 4 cout << sizeOfList(double_linked_list) << endl; cout << "remove last node from dll, now it's backwards: "; removeLastNode(double_linked_list); // Should print 3 1 2 printLBackwards(double_linked_list); cout << "insert 5 at begining of dll, now it's: "; insertAtBegining(double_linked_list, 5); printL(double_linked_list); cout << "insert 7 at end of dll, now it's: "; insertAtEnd(double_linked_list, 7); printL(double_linked_list); { Node *second = double_linked_list.head->next; // Should be 2 cout << "second node of dll: " << second->value << endl; cout << "inserting 17 after the second node, now dll is: "; Node* n17 = insertAfter(double_linked_list, second, 17); printL(double_linked_list); cout << "inserting 11 after 17, now dll is: "; insertAfter(double_linked_list, n17, 19); cout << "removing second node, now dll is: "; removeNode(double_linked_list, second); printL(double_linked_list); } cout << "removing first node from dll, now it's: "; removeNode(double_linked_list, double_linked_list.head); printL(double_linked_list); return 0; }
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