2 months ago
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#include <unistd.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "scheduler.h" /* Driver Header files */ #include <ti/drivers/PWM.h> #include <ti/drivers/ADC.h> #include <ti/drivers/UART.h> #include <ti/drivers/GPIO.h> /* Example/Board Header files */ #include "Board.h" /* Frequency range (in Hz) */ #define FREQ_MIN 10 // Minimum frequency (10 Hz) #define FREQ_MAX 100 // Maximum frequency (100 Hz) /* Duty cycle range (0% to 100%) */ #define DUTY_MIN 10 #define DUTY_MAX 100 tCB taskList[TASK_COUNT]; // Task list for scheduler /* Global Variables */ uint32_t freq; // PWM frequency in Hz uint32_t duty; // PWM duty cycle in % uint16_t adcValue1; // ADC value for frequency uint16_t adcValue2; // ADC value for duty cycle ADC_Handle adc1, adc2; // Global ADC handles PWM_Handle pwm1; // Global PWM handle UART_Handle uart; // Global UART handle /* Function Prototypes */ void readADCValues(void); // Task 1: Read ADC void updatePWMOutput(void); // Task 2: Update PWM void sendPWMDutyAndFreq(void); // Task 3: Send PWM data over UART void systemHeartbeat(void); // Task: System Heartbeat void *mainThread(void *arg0) { PWM_Params pwmParams; ADC_Params adcParams; UART_Params uartParams; /* Initialize drivers */ PWM_init(); ADC_init(); UART_init(); GPIO_init(); /* Set up ADCs */ ADC_Params_init(&adcParams); adc1 = ADC_open(Board_ADC0, &adcParams); if (adc1 == NULL) { while (1); // ADC0 failed to open } adc2 = ADC_open(Board_ADC1, &adcParams); if (adc2 == NULL) { while (1); // ADC1 failed to open } /* Set up PWM */ PWM_Params_init(&pwmParams); pwmParams.dutyUnits = PWM_DUTY_FRACTION; // Use fractional units for duty cycle pwmParams.dutyValue = 0; // Start with 0% duty cycle pwmParams.periodUnits = PWM_PERIOD_HZ; // Frequency in Hz pwmParams.periodValue = FREQ_MIN; // Start with the minimum frequency pwm1 = PWM_open(Board_PWM0, &pwmParams); if (pwm1 == NULL) { while (1); // PWM0 failed to open } PWM_start(pwm1); GPIO_setConfig(Board_GPIO_LED1, GPIO_CFG_OUT_STD | GPIO_CFG_OUT_LOW); /* Set up UART */ UART_Params_init(&uartParams); uartParams.writeDataMode = UART_DATA_BINARY; uartParams.baudRate = 115200; uart = UART_open(Board_UART0, &uartParams); if (uart == NULL) { while (1); // UART failed to open } /* Initialize GPIO for LED */ GPIO_setConfig(Board_GPIO_LED0, GPIO_CFG_OUT_STD | GPIO_CFG_OUT_LOW); /* Initialize Tasks */ taskList[0] = initTask(systemHeartbeat, 20, 0, true); // Blink LED 5 times, one-time task taskList[1] = initTask(readADCValues, 5, 0, true); // Read ADC values every cycle taskList[2] = initTask(updatePWMOutput, 5, 1, true); // Update PWM output every cycle, delayed by 1 taskList[3] = initTask(sendPWMDutyAndFreq, 10, 0, true); // Send PWM data over UART every 2 cycles /* Scheduler Loop */ while (1) { scheduler(); usleep(50000); // Run scheduler every 50 ms } } /* Task 1: Read ADC Values */ void readADCValues(void) { if (ADC_convert(adc1, &adcValue1) == ADC_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // Scale ADC value for frequency in Hz freq = FREQ_MIN + ((FREQ_MAX - FREQ_MIN) * adcValue1 / 4095); } if (ADC_convert(adc2, &adcValue2) == ADC_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // Scale ADC value for duty cycle in % duty = DUTY_MIN + ((DUTY_MAX - DUTY_MIN) * adcValue2 / 4095); } } /* Task 2: Update PWM Output */ void updatePWMOutput(void) { PWM_setPeriod(pwm1, freq); // Update PWM frequency PWM_setDuty(pwm1, duty * (PWM_DUTY_FRACTION_MAX / 100)); // Update PWM duty cycle } /* Task 3: Send PWM Duty and Frequency Over UART */ void sendPWMDutyAndFreq(void) { char uartBuffer[50]; int len = snprintf(uartBuffer, sizeof(uartBuffer), "Freq: %lu Hz, Duty: %lu%%\r\n", freq, duty); UART_write(uart, uartBuffer, len); } void systemHeartbeat(void) { GPIO_toggle(Board_GPIO_LED1); // Toggle the LED on DIO7 }
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