a month ago
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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; namespace Jiya.FinalCC { [DefaultExecutionOrder(-1)] public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { #region Class Variables [Header("Components")] [SerializeField] private CharacterController _characterController; [SerializeField] private Camera _playerCamera; public float RotationMismatch {get; private set;} = 0f; public bool IsRotatingToTarget {get; private set;} = false; [Header("Base Movement")] public float runAcceleration = 35f; public float runSpeed = 4f; public float sprintAccelerataion = 50f; public float sprintSpeed = 7f; public float drag = 20f; public float gravity = 25f; public float jumpSpeed = 1.0f; public float movingThreshold = 0.01f; [Header("Animation")] public float playerModelRotationSpeed = 10f; public float rotateToTargetTime = 0.25f; [Header("Camera Settings")] public float lookSenseH = 0.1f; public float lookSenseV = 0.1f; public float lookLimitV = 89f; private PlayerLocomotionInput _playerLocomotionInput; private PlayerState _playerState; private Vector2 _cameraRotation = Vector2.zero; private Vector2 _playerTargetRotation = Vector2.zero; private float _rotatingToTargetTimer = 0f; private float _verticalVelocity = 0f; #endregion #region Startup private void Awake() { _playerLocomotionInput = GetComponent<PlayerLocomotionInput>(); _playerState = GetComponent<PlayerState>(); } #endregion #region Update Logic private void Update() { UpdateMovementState(); HandleVerticalMovement(); HandleLateralMovement(); } private void UpdateMovementState() { bool isMovementInput = _playerLocomotionInput.MovementInput != Vector2.zero; //order bool isMovingLaterally = IsMovingLaterally(); //matter bool isSprinting = _playerLocomotionInput.SprintToggledOn && isMovingLaterally; //order matters bool isGrounded = IsGrounded(); PlayerMovementState lateralState = isSprinting ? PlayerMovementState.Sprinting : isMovingLaterally || isMovementInput ? PlayerMovementState.Running : PlayerMovementState.Idling; _playerState.SetPlayerMovementState(lateralState); // Control Airborn State if (!isGrounded && _characterController.velocity.y > 0f) { _playerState.SetPlayerMovementState(PlayerMovementState.Jumping); } else if (!isGrounded && _characterController.velocity.y <= 0f) { _playerState.SetPlayerMovementState(PlayerMovementState.Falling); } } private void HandleVerticalMovement() { bool isGrounded = _playerState.InGroundedState(); if (isGrounded && _verticalVelocity < 0) _verticalVelocity = 0f; _verticalVelocity -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; if (_playerLocomotionInput.JumpPressed && isGrounded) { _verticalVelocity += Mathf.Sqrt(jumpSpeed * 3 * gravity); } } private void HandleLateralMovement() { // Create quick references for current state bool isSprinting = _playerState.CurrentPlayerMovementState == PlayerMovementState.Sprinting; bool isGrounded = _playerState.InGroundedState(); // State dependent acceleration and speed float lateralAcceleration = isSprinting ? sprintAccelerataion : runAcceleration; float clampLateralMagnitude = isSprinting ? sprintSpeed : runSpeed; Vector3 cameraForwardXZ = new Vector3(_playerCamera.transform.forward.x, 0f, _playerCamera.transform.forward.z).normalized; Vector3 cameraRightXZ = new Vector3(_playerCamera.transform.right.x, 0f, _playerCamera.transform.right.z).normalized; Vector3 movementDirection = cameraRightXZ * _playerLocomotionInput.MovementInput.x + cameraForwardXZ * _playerLocomotionInput.MovementInput.y; Vector3 movementDelta = movementDirection * lateralAcceleration * Time.deltaTime; Vector3 newVelocity = _characterController.velocity + movementDelta; // Add drag to player Vector3 currentDrag = newVelocity.normalized * drag * Time.deltaTime; newVelocity = (newVelocity.magnitude > drag * Time.deltaTime) ? newVelocity - currentDrag : Vector3.zero; newVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(newVelocity, clampLateralMagnitude); newVelocity.y += _verticalVelocity; // Move character (Unity suggests only calling this once per tick) _characterController.Move(newVelocity * Time.deltaTime); } #endregion #region Late Update Logic private void LateUpdate() { UpdateCameraRotation(); } private void UpdateCameraRotation() { _cameraRotation.x += lookSenseH * _playerLocomotionInput.LookInput.x; _cameraRotation.y = Mathf.Clamp(_cameraRotation.y - lookSenseV * _playerLocomotionInput.LookInput.y, -lookLimitV, lookLimitV); _playerTargetRotation.x += transform.eulerAngles.x + lookSenseH * _playerLocomotionInput.LookInput.x; float rotationTolerance = 90f; bool isIdling = _playerState.CurrentPlayerMovementState == PlayerMovementState.Idling; IsRotatingToTarget = _rotatingToTargetTimer > 0; if ( !isIdling || Mathf.Abs(RotationMismatch) > rotationTolerance || IsRotatingToTarget) { Quaternion targetRotationX = Quaternion.Euler(0f, _playerTargetRotation.x, 0f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, targetRotationX, playerModelRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); if (Mathf.Abs(RotationMismatch) > 90f) { _rotatingToTargetTimer = rotateToTargetTime; } _rotatingToTargetTimer -= Time.deltaTime; } _playerCamera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(_cameraRotation.y, _cameraRotation.x, 0f); Vector3 camForwardProjectedXZ = new Vector3(_playerCamera.transform.forward.x, 0f, _playerCamera.transform.forward.z).normalized; Vector3 crossProduct = Vector3.Cross(transform.forward, camForwardProjectedXZ); float sign = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(crossProduct, transform.up)); RotationMismatch = sign * Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, camForwardProjectedXZ); } #endregion #region State Checks private bool IsMovingLaterally() { Vector3 lateralVelocity = new Vector3(_characterController.velocity.x, 0f, _characterController.velocity.y); return lateralVelocity.magnitude > movingThreshold; } private bool IsGrounded() { return _characterController.isGrounded; } #endregion } }
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