import { db } from '$db'; import { listingsTable, cpuModelsTable, suppliersTable } from '$db/schema'; import { eq, lte } from 'drizzle-orm'; import type { PageServerLoad } from './$types'; import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit'; export const load: PageServerLoad = async ({ url }) => { try { const budget = Number(url.searchParams.get('budget')) || 800; const listings = await db .select({ name: cpuModelsTable.name, price: listingsTable.price, shippingCost: listingsTable.shippingCost, supplier: suppliersTable.name, url: listingsTable.url }) .from(listingsTable) .innerJoin(cpuModelsTable, eq(listingsTable.cpuModelId, cpuModelsTable.id)) .innerJoin(suppliersTable, eq(listingsTable.supplierId, suppliersTable.id)) .where(lte(listingsTable.price, budget * 100)) // Convert budget to cents .orderBy(listingsTable.price); return { listings: listings.map((listing) => ({ ...listing, price: listing.price / 100, // Convert price back to euros shippingCost: listing.shippingCost / 100 // Convert shipping cost back to euros })) }; } catch (err) { console.error('Error in load function:', err); throw error(500, { message: 'Internal server error', error: err }); } };
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