a year ago
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<?php require 'config.php'; $db = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db_name) or die(mysql_error()); function kojatraka($sekunda) { if ($sekunda > 0 and $sekunda <= 25) return '1'; if ($sekunda > 25 and $sekunda <= 45) return '2'; if ($sekunda > 45 and $sekunda < 60) return '3'; } function vrtim($sekunda) { if ($sekunda <= 8) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0'; if ($sekunda > 8 and $sekunda <= 16) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 20'; if ($sekunda > 16 and $sekunda <= 25) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 40'; if ($sekunda > 25 and $sekunda <= 32) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0'; if ($sekunda > 32 and $sekunda <= 39) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 20'; if ($sekunda > 39 and $sekunda <= 45) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 40'; if ($sekunda > 45 and $sekunda <= 52) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0'; if ($sekunda > 52 and $sekunda < 60) return 'LIMIT 20 OFFSET 20'; } function rankstart($sekunda) { if ($sekunda <= 8) return '0'; if ($sekunda > 8 and $sekunda <= 16) return '20'; if ($sekunda > 16 and $sekunda <= 25) return '40'; if ($sekunda > 25 and $sekunda <= 32) return '0'; if ($sekunda > 32 and $sekunda <= 39) return '20'; if ($sekunda > 39 and $sekunda <= 45) return '40'; if ($sekunda > 45 and $sekunda <= 52) return '0'; if ($sekunda > 52 and $sekunda < 60) return '20'; } $wheredio = kojatraka(date('s')); $limitiram = vrtim(date('s')); $distartam = rankstart(date('s')); if ($wheredio == '0') { $query = "SELECT '' as RANK, res.ID, res.POINT as STAZA, res.VRIJEME as RACETIME, "; $query = $query . " CONCAT(sw.NAME, ' ', sw.SURNAME, ' (', sw.COUNTRY, ')') as FULLNAME FROM results res LEFT JOIN swimmers sw ON "; $query = $query . "res.ID = sw.ID WHERE "; $query = $query . "res.TYPE <> 'c' AND res.IDACTIVE = '1' AND res.POINT = 0 ORDER BY res.PASSTIME DESC"; } else { $query = "select CONCAT(@r := @r+1, '.') as RANK, rezultati.* from( "; $query = $query . "select * from ( "; $query = $query . "SELECT ID, FULLNAME, STAZA, "; $query = $query . "timediff(CILJ, START) as RACETIME FROM "; $query = $query . "(select res.*, CONCAT(sw.NAME, ' ', sw.SURNAME, ' (', sw.COUNTRY, '-', YEAR(sw.DOB), ')') as FULLNAME, "; $query = $query . "max(case when res.POINT = 0 then res.PASSTIME end) AS START, "; $query = $query . "max(case when res.TYPE <> 'p' and res.TYPE <> 'c' and res.POINT <> 0 then res.PASSTIME end) AS CILJ, "; $query = $query . "max(case when res.TYPE <> 'p' and res.TYPE <> 'c' and res.POINT <> 0 then res.POINT end) AS STAZA "; $query = $query . "FROM results res LEFT JOIN swimmers sw ON "; $query = $query . "res.ID = sw.ID WHERE "; $query = $query . "res.TYPE <> 'c' AND res.TYPE <> 'd' AND res.IDACTIVE = '1' group by res.ID ORDER BY res.PASSTIME DESC) as prva "; $query = $query . ") as zadnja "; $query = $query . ") as rezultati, (select @r:= " . $distartam . ") y WHERE STAZA = " . $wheredio . " order by ISNULL(RACETIME), RACETIME asc, ID ASC " . $limitiram . " "; } $result = mysql_query($query); function klasa($point_value) { if ($point_value == '0') return 'START'; if ($point_value == '1') return '1500'; if ($point_value == '2') return '3000'; if ($point_value == '3') return '5000'; } if ($wheredio == '0') { print " <thead> <tr> <th class='text-center'>ID</th> <th class='text-left'>Full name</th> <th class='text-center'>START TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class='table-hover'>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><td class='text-center'>" . $row['ID'] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='text-left'>" . $row['FULLNAME'] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='text-center'>" . $row['RACETIME'] . "</td></tr>"; } mysql_close(); print " </tbody>"; } else { $naslov = klasa(kojatraka(date('s'))); print " <IMG class='displayed' src='" . $naslov . "1.jpg' alt='...'> </div> <table id='datatable' class='table-fill'> <thead> <tr> <th class='text-center'>RANK</th> <th class='text-center'>ID</th> <th class='text-left'>NAME</th> <th class='text-center'>TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class='table-hover'>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><td class='text-center'>" . $row['RANK'] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='text-center'>" . $row['ID'] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='text-left'>" . $row['FULLNAME'] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='text-center'>" . $row['RACETIME'] . "</td></tr>"; } mysql_close(); print " </tbody>"; } ?>