-- mod-version:3 -- lite-xl 2.0
-- you MUST put mod-version:x on the first line of your plugin
-- mod-version usually maps to lite-xl releases (eg. mod-version: 2 == lite-xl 2.0)
-- lite-xl won't load the plugin if the mod-version mismatches
-- NAME : Simple
-- DESCRIPTION: A simple guide on how to make your first Lite XL plugin
-- AUTHOR : Ashwin Godbole (aelobdog)
-- GOALS : To render some text inside the editor
-- Disclaimer :
-- I am not a lua developer, and my knowledge about writing plugins for
-- Lite XL is very limited. This file serves the purpose of helping the
-- reader get started with plugin development for Lite XL, and therefore
-- demonstrates only some very basic features. For more complex plugin
-- development, be sure to check out the source code of some other
-- plugins after going through this file.
-- Before we start writing any code for the plugin, we must import the
-- required modules from the "core" package.
-- the "core" module
local core = require "core"
-- the "command" module will help us register commands for our plugin.
local command = require "core.command"
-- the "style" module will allow us to use styling options
local style = require "core.style"
-- the "config" module will be used to store certain things like colors
-- and functions
local config = require "core.config"
-- the "keymap" module will allow us to set keybindings for our commands
local keymap = require "core.keymap"
-- since we want to modify RootView, we'll need to require it first
local RootView = require "core.rootview"
-- per-plugin config must stay in config.plugins.(plugin name)
config.plugins.simple = {}
-- colors are just three or four comma separated values (RGBA) (range 0 - 255)
-- put inside of '{ }'. We will add our color to the config module.
config.plugins.simple.text_color = {200, 140, 220} -- or use `{ common.color "#C88CDC" }`
-- Let's create a function to calculate the coordinates of our text.
-- While we're at it, let's add our function to the `config` module.
-- We'll take the message we want to display as the argument to the
-- function to determine the x and y coordinates of the text.
function config.plugins.simple.get_text_coordinates(message)
-- For this plugin, we want to display the text on the top right
-- corner of the screen. For this, we need to know the editor's width
-- and height.
-- The current font's size can be obtained from the "style" module.
-- The editor's dimensions can be obtained by
-- 1. WIDTH : core.root_view.size.x
-- 2. HEIGHT : core.root_view.size.y
local message_width = style.code_font:get_width(message.." ")
local font_height = style.code_font:get_size()
local x = core.root_view.size.x - message_width
local y = font_height / 2
return x, y
-- Let's now get to actually drawing the text inside the editor.
-- In order to "inject" our own code to draw text,
-- we'll need to save the original draw function
-- We'll save `RootView.draw` to a variable we call `parent_draw`
local parent_draw = RootView.draw
-- Now let's overload the original definition of `draw` in RootView
-- by redefining the function.
function RootView:draw()
-- We call the parent's function to keep the editor functional...
-- obviously we must still draw all the other stuff !
-- So we call the `parent_draw` function before doing anything else.
-- we'll add an option to toggle the message on and off. let's use a
-- boolean variable to keep track of whether we want to display the
-- message or not.
if config.plugins.simple.show_my_message then
-- We'll be getting the message to display as input from the user
-- later. We'll store that user input in `config.plugins.simple.hw_message`.
-- (NOTE: this variable does not come in-built in lite-xl;
-- it is a variable that we will define later.)
-- let's store the value of config.plugins.simple.hw_message in a local variable
-- `message` in case config.plugins.simple.hw_message we set the message to
-- "message not set yet!"
local message
if config.plugins.simple.hw_message then
message = config.plugins.simple.hw_message
message = "Message not set yet !"
-- let's get the coordinates for our text
local x, y = config.plugins.simple.get_text_coordinates(message)
-- let's finally draw the text to the window !
-- the draw_text function from `renderer` is an important function
-- as it is used to display any and all text inside of the editor
-- window
renderer.draw_text(style.code_font, message, x, y, config.plugins.simple.text_color)
-- Let's allow the user to turn the message on and off
-- we'll write a function to flip our "show" boolean variable.
local function toggle_helloworld()
config.plugins.simple.show_my_message = not config.plugins.simple.show_my_message
-- Finally, let's add the toggle function to the command list so that
-- we can call it from the C-S-p command panel. Let's add one command
-- to toggle the visibility of the message on and off and one to get
-- the user's message and then display it.
command.add(nil, {
-- Toggle the visibility of the message
["simple:toggle"] = toggle_helloworld,
-- Set and show the message
-- This is the way to get user input through the command bar.
-- `core.command_view:enter` takes 2 arguments:
-- * the prompt to display before taking input
-- * a function that takes the "input" as its argument
-- (NOTE: here the variable we are reading input into is `text`)
["simple:setshow"] = function()
core.command_view:enter("Test to display", {
submit = function(text)
config.plugins.simple.hw_message = text
config.plugins.simple.show_my_message = true
-- Just for fun, let's assign our commands their own keybindings.
-- Here, we assign the keybinding the same string(its name) as the one
-- that we set while creating the command
keymap.add {
["alt+s"] = "simple:setshow",
["alt+t"] = "simple:toggle",