7 months ago
1.2 kB
new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { // Example data properties }, methods: { processCamelCaseString(camelCaseString) { // Regular expression to match the initial lowercase letters const regex = /^[a-z]+/; const match = camelCaseString.match(regex); let initialPart = ""; if (match) { initialPart = match[0]; } else { // Handle case where no initial lowercase part is found console.error("No initial lowercase part found in the string."); return; } // Here, use a switch or if-else statement to handle different cases switch (initialPart) { case "example": // Execute logic for when initial part is "example" console.log("Found 'example' as the initial part."); break; case "test": // Execute logic for when initial part is "test" console.log("Found 'test' as the initial part."); break; // Add more cases as needed default: // Default case if initial part doesn't match any case console.log("No specific action for this initial part."); } } } });
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