a year ago
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%ISS NORAD ID (25544) %2019/08/13 %2023/08/12 clc; clear; close all; %% real time % List of TLE file names %tleFiles = ["satellite1.tle", "satellite2.tle", "satellite3.tle"]; for z = 1:7758 fileName = sprintf('longlong%d.tle',z); % Generate the file name tleFiles{z} = fileName; % Read the file contents end % Define the time range for propagsation startTime = datetime(2019,8,13); stopTime = datetime(2023,8,12); sampleTime =86400; timeRange = startTime:seconds(16261):stopTime; % Create the satellite scenario sc = satelliteScenario(startTime, stopTime, sampleTime); % Loop through each TLE file for i = 1:7758 tleFile = tleFiles{i}; tleFilePath = tleFile; [epochYearArray, month, day] = extractTLEData(tleFilePath); try % Create the satellite object using the TLE file sat = satellite(sc, tleFile); % Calculate the year for the specified date year = 2000 + epochYearArray; % Specify the time for which you want to get position and velocity time = datetime(year, month, day, 12, 0, 0); % Compute position and velocity in ECEF coordinate frame [position, velocity] = states(sat, time, "CoordinateFrame", "ecef"); % Display the results disp("TLE File: " + tleFile); position_realn(i) = (norm(position') / 1000) - 6371; velocity_realn(i) = norm(velocity') / 1000; disp(time); disp("Position (ECEF) [km]: " + position_realn(i)); disp("Velocity (ECEF) [km/s]: " + velocity_realn(i)); disp("-------------------------------"); catch exception fprintf('Inconsistent data in iteration %d, skipped.\n', i); disp("Error Message: " + exception.message); end end %play(sc) %% SGP4 startTime = datetime(2019,8,13); stopTime = datetime(2023,8,12); sampleTime =86400; sc1 = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime); tleFile = "long1.tle"; satSGP4 = satellite(sc1,tleFile, ... "Name","satSGP4", ... "OrbitPropagator","sgp4"); satSDP4 = satellite(sc1,tleFile, ... "Name","satSDP4", ... "OrbitPropagator","sdp4"); [positionSGP4,velocitySGP4] = states(satSGP4,"CoordinateFrame", "ecef"); [positionSDP4,velocitySDP4] = states(satSDP4,"CoordinateFrame", "ecef"); for x=1:7758 positionSGP4_n(x) = (norm(positionSGP4(:,x)')/1000)-6371; velocitySGP4_n(x) = norm(velocitySGP4(:,x)')/1000; positionSDP4_n(x) = (norm(positionSDP4(:,x)')/1000)-6371; velocitySDP4_n(x) = norm(velocitySDP4(:,x)')/1000; end %v = satelliteScenarioViewer(sc1); %play(sc1) %% RelativePosition re_pos_sgp4=abs(position_realn-positionSGP4_n); re_pos_sgp4_mean = mean(re_pos_sgp4); re_pos_sdp4=abs(position_realn-positionSDP4_n); re_pos_sdp4_mean = mean(re_pos_sdp4); test_r_p=(positionSDP4_n-positionSGP4_n); figure; subplot(2,1,1) plot(timeRange,re_pos_sgp4,'r-',timeRange,re_pos_sgp4_mean,'b->') xlim("auto"); ylim("auto"); ylabel('km'); title('RelativePosition:SGP4'); subplot(2,1,2) plot(timeRange,re_pos_sdp4,'r-',timeRange,re_pos_sdp4_mean,'b->') xlim("auto") ylim("auto"); ylabel('km'); title('RelativePosition:SDP4');