class Solution { public: static bool cmp(vector<int>&a ,vector<int>&b){ if(a[0]==b[0]) return a[1]>=b[1]; return a[0]<b[0]; } int numberOfPairs(vector<vector<int>>& pts) { sort(pts.begin(),pts.end(),cmp); int n=pts.size(); int cnt=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){ if(i!=j && pts[i][0]<=pts[j][0] && pts[i][1]>=pts[j][1]){ bool pres=false; for(int k=0;k<n;k++){ // k is no of ts between i and j if(k==i || k==j) continue; if( pts[k][0]>=pts[i][0] && pts[k][0]<=pts[j][0] && (pts[k][1]>=pts[j][1] && pts[k][1]<=pts[i][1])) {pres=true; cout<<"("<<pts[k][0]<<","<<pts[k][1]<<")"<<" \n"; break; } } if(pres==false) cnt++; } } } for(auto i:pts) cout<<"("<<i[0]<<","<<i[1]<<")"<<" "; cout<<"\n"; return cnt; } };
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