3 years ago
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def breadthFirstSearch(problem): """Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" frontier = util.Queue() explored = [] firstNode = Node(problem.getStartState(), None) frontier.push(firstNode) while not frontier.isEmpty(): current = frontier.pop() if problem.isGoalState(current.getState()): path = [] while current.getParent(): path.append(current.getAction()) current = current.getParent() path.reverse() return path explored.append(current.getState()) for next_state, action, _ in problem.expand(current.getState()): node = Node(next_state, action) if next_state not in explored and node not in frontier.list: node.parent = current frontier.push(node) util.raiseNotDefined() def aStarSearch(problem, heuristic=nullHeuristic): frontier = util.PriorityQueue() explored = [] firstNode = Node(problem.getStartState(), None) frontier.push(firstNode, 0) while not frontier.isEmpty(): current = frontier.pop() if problem.isGoalState(current.getState()): path = [] while current.getParent(): path.append(current.getAction()) current = current.getParent() path.reverse() return path explored.append(current.getState()) for next_state, action, cost in problem.expand(current.getState()): new_cost = current.getCost() + cost heuristicCost = new_cost + heuristic(next_state,problem) node = Node(next_state, action) node.cost = new_cost node.parent = current if next_state not in explored: frontier.update(node, heuristicCost) util.raiseNotDefined()