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28/02/2024 ================================================================ where clause:- where clause is used for filter the record. It is used for fetch only those records that satsfy the specific condition. syntax: select * from tablename where condition. select columns from tablename where condition. operators used in where clause: 1 equal to(=) 2 less than (<) 3,greater than(>) 4. greater than equal to (>=) 4. less than equal to (<=) 5. not equal to (!=,<>) 6.between (fetch records in certain range) 7.in (fetch specific multiple value) 8. like:- like operator is used to serch specific pattern. 9. and :- when both condition is true 10. or :- when both or any one condition is true. 11. not : reverse exa+ use testdb; select * from customer; select cust_id,cust_name from customer; insert into customer values(111,"akash","nagpur",34), (106,"sonal","nashik",45), (107,"komal","nashik",23), (108,"raj","nanded",22) ,(109,"pavan","mumbai",33) ,(110,"akash","mubai",34),(105,"akash","pune",32); select * from employee; select distinct * from employee; select distinct emp_id ,emp_name from employee; select * from employee where city="pune"; select distinct(emp_name) from employee where city="pune"; select * from employee where salary=20000; select * from employee where salary>20000; select * from employee where salary<20000; select * from employee where salary>=20000; select * from employee where salary<=20000; select * from employee where dept != "IT"; select * from employee where dept <> "IT"; select * from customer; select * from customer where age between 30 and 40; select * from customer where address in ("pune","nagpur"); select * from customer where cust_name like "m%"; select * from customer where cust_name like "%h"; select * from customer where cust_name like "%a%"; select * from customer where cust_name like "r__i"; select * from customer where cust_name like "r___"; select * from customer where address="pune" and age>30; select * from customer where address="pune" or age>30; select * from customer where not address="pune"; select * from customer where cust_name not like "r___"; select * from customer where address is null; select * from customer where address is not null =================================================================================================================== Order by clause:- order by clause is used for the data sort in ascending and descending order. synatx:- select columns from tablename order by column_name asc/desc; select * from customer; select * from customer order by cust_name asc; select * from employeeinfo order by name desc ,address desc; when we short data in any filter condition we use where and order by clause; sequence is mandatory: 1 where 2.order by select * from employeeinfo where salary>30000 order by name desc ; select * from customer; select * from customer order by cust_name desc; select * from customer where age>30; select * from customer where age>30 order by cust_name desc; select * from customer order by cust_name desc ,address asc; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assignment:- table name:EmployeeInfo EmpID EmpFname EmpLname Department Address Gender Salary 1 Sanjay Mehra HR Hyderaba M 500000 2 Ananya Mishra Admin Delhi 75000 3 Rohan Diwan Account Mumbai M 90000 4 Sonia Kulkarni HR Hyderabad F 85000 5 Ankit Kapoor Admin Delhi M 300000 Q1.first create table then insert values Q2. Write a query to find the names of employees that begin with ‘S’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3.From the following table, write a SQL query to locate salespeople who live in the city of 'Paris'. Return salesperson's name, city. Sample table: salesman salesman_id | name | city | commission -------------+------------+----------+------------ 5001 | James Hoog | New York | 0.15 5002 | Nail Knite | Paris | 0.13 5005 | Pit Alex | London | 0.11 5006 | Mc Lyon | Paris | 0.14 5007 | Paul Adam | Rome | 0.13 5003 | Lauson Hen | San Jose | 0.12
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